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Policy and Research Reports

Enabling Faculty-Led Student Success Eff
CSU Chancellor's Office Report.JPG
Who Leaves Before Graduating..JPG
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Ten Percent Achievement  Gap 2015.JPG
Civic Engagment in Community Colleges 20
Implementing Statewide Transfer and Arti
Reforming Transfer and Articulation in C
League GFF Report 2024.png
promising practices.JPG

All Policy and Research Reports by Carrie B. Kisker

Kisker, C.B. (2024). Connecting students to wrap-around services and the workforce: Project Summary. Center for the Study of Community Colleges.

Kisker, C.B. (2022). Connecting students to wrap-around services and the workforce: Summary of major challenges and opportunities. Center for the Study of Community Colleges.

Kisker, C.B. (2019). Enabling faculty-led student success efforts. American Council on Education. 

Kisker, C.B. (2019). Who leaves before graduating? Salient characteristics of students who do not complete a CSU degree. California State University, Chancellor's Office.

Kisker, C.B., Levin, J.S., & Damian, A.L. (2015). What does a ten percent achievement gap really mean? (And what can we do about it?) The complexity of achievement and opportunity at the California State Universities. University of California, Riverside, California Community College Collaborative. 

Kisker, C.B., & Ronan, B.L. (2012). Civic engagement in community colleges: Mission, institutionalization, and future prospects. Kettering Foundation.

Kisker, C.B., Wagoner, R.L., & Cohen, A.M. (2011). Implementing statewide transfer and articulation reform: An analysis of transfer associate degrees in four states. Center for the Study of Community Colleges.

Kisker C.B., Cohen, A.M., & Wagoner, R.L. (2010). Reforming transfer and articulation in California: Four statewide solutions for creating a more successful and seamless transfer path to the baccalaureate. Center for the Study of Community Colleges. 

Levin, J.S., Cox, E.M., Kisker, C.B., & Others. (2010). Promising practices in community colleges. University of California, Riverside, California Community College Collaborative.


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